Every thing that we create is with you in mind. And not just any version of you--the you that you are right now in this very moment. And with that I introduce three new products that were designed to help you right where you are.
Results & Outcomes Pad

The Today's Results & Outcomes Pad is your one place to intentionally plan and capture what matters most in your days.
In one place you can plan out and list:
- the most important things that need to be accomplished
- any future or next steps that come up throughout the day
- distractions, hurdles, questions and/or issues that come up during the day
- anything you need to add to your calendar based on what happens in your day
Planning your days is a non-negotiable in intentional living so I created this tool to give you one place to track all that goes on in your day--the things that are necessary, the things that come up that you need to make note of to do in the future, hurdles, distractions, issues, and/or questions that come up in your day (i.e. find out why...., A/C didn't work this morning on the way out the door, etc...) and finally a place to write down things that come up during the day that you need to add to your calendar.
At the end of the day you have your snapshot all in one place. And, because everyone is different and has different needs the Results & Outcomes Pad comes in THREE sizes to choose from.
- LARGE: 8.5" x 11" ready to help you plan your full days.
- MEDIUM: 5.5" x 8.5" take it along easily in your work bag.
- SMALL: 5"x7" ready to toss into your purse and carry with you throughout the day.

With 50 pages in all three sizes and the option to subscribe so that we automatically ship your next Pad before your current Pad runs you, you're set to win each day with intention!
I use the small on most weekends when I'm not as stationary as I am during the week (i.e. mostly in my office or at home at the end of the day). I take my small Results & Outcome Pad with me in my purse or carry it with me as I run errands to keep track of everything in one place.
Because I know you'll likely want to use different sizes for different days, I included a bundle that includes one of each size! Share them with the people in your home or bundle and share or keep them all for yourself! You get to decide.
Daily Plan Pad

The Daily Plan Pad comes right out of the Best Today® Guide and is the one place to plan your days with ease and intention. We've had many customers say they wish they could have the Daily Planning Page from the Best Today® Guide and well, wish granted!
In one place you can plan your:
- rise time
- morning routine
- evening routine
- what you will do for your mental, emotional and physical well-being
- today's top priority
- results and outcomes
and more! The Daily Plan pad is 8.5" x 11" in size and contains 50 pages.
And, to make your life easier we've added a subscribe option that allows you to automatically receive a new Daily Plan Pad before your current Pad runs out! Being proactive has never been so easy!
I created the Daily Plan Pad because this pad reflects the MEWON method that I teach when it comes to planning your days. It allows you to proactively plan for how you will begin and end your day as well as how you will prioritize your mental, emotional and physical well-being daily.
Clear Your Mind Pad

I'm so excited for this product to be in your hands and a part of your life! I've introduced clearing your mind in the Best Today® Guide, Clear Your Mind Weekly Preview Pads and in the Manual that teaches how to preview and plan your months, weeks and days and I also teach this practice in my corporate trainings. When I saw the feedback and success stories of how much Clearing Your Mind has helped thousands of you worldwide I knew I had to create the Clear Your Mind Pad to help you to do just that--clear your mind.
The purpose of the CYM Pads is to give you one place to clear your mind so that your thoughts can live in one place (you can use them just as you would No More Distraction stickies as well).
Use this practice daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly to give your thoughts and ideas that randomly come up throughout the day one place to live. Categorize them as something that needs to be addressed "now, next or later" or maybe you'll realize that some items will be "never" and that you can scratch them off entirely.
The point is to clear your mind of the errands, chores, ideas, birthdays, thoughts, grocery items and the like so that you can flow through your days with less weight and more peace of mind. Once you've completed items on your Clear Your Mind pads or moved them to your weekly preview or daily plans scratch them out or start a fresh clean Clear Your Mind sheet with only what remains.
Use this practice as often as helps you, make it your own. There is more than one right way to use the Clear Your Mind Pads because our lives are all so unique.
The Clear Your Mind Pads come in two sizes and both sizes have 50 pages:
- LARGE 8.5" x 11"
- Medium 5.5" x 8.5"

Want both sizes? We also include a bundle option for you to receive one of each size!
All three new products flow harmoniously with our current collection of products and resources to help you be proactive and intentional with your time. Whether you're pairing your Results & Outcomes Pad with the Weekly Preview Pads or using your Best Today® Guide alongside the Clear Your Mind Pad or any other mixture, we are thrilled to provide these new resources to help you right where you are in your every day lives.
All three products will be available on Wednesday, January 4th at 10:00 a.m. eastern.