We sent out a short 4 question survey last week and received a lot of great questions from you, some of which I plan to take to the Best Today® Podcast and answer directly for you. Three came up often so I'm answering them below, please take a moment to read the answers!
If you didn't take the short survey please click here to do so.
We do these surveys to better understand who is in our audience. We want to make sure that you're represented and that we have accurate data so please click here to take the short survey if you haven't. Thank you!
Now let's answer some of your common questions!
Q: I'm not a parent or business owner, are your products going to work for me?
A: Yes! We create resources for women at all ages and stages. Our customers are within a wide range of life stages and careers--work from home parents, doctors, nurses, lawyers, business owners, government employees, healthcare workers, chefs, educators, administrators, bloggers, therapists, retail employees, caretakers, and the list goes on!
What unites our customer is her desire to live a life of intention, to make time work for her and the desire to prioritize mental, emotional and physical wellness daily. If that's you, we create for you! The principles that we teach will work for you if you're ready and willing to do the work. And you are worthy of the effort it takes to live a life of intention! Listen to some of our customers share their stories in this episode of the Best Today® Podcast.
Q: Is the Best Today® Community a Facebook Group?
A: NO. Our Community is built on its own platform and you can access it online or via app on your apple or android. It is a secure safe space that is free of distractions. Inside you have access to 24/7 support and encouragement, weekly calls and co-working hours, workshop and access to previous workshop replays, the Best Today® Curriculum designed to help you get clear on who you are and what you want and so much more!
Join us at no risk, if it's not for you, you can leave at any time! We believe you'll find it to be the place you've been looking for to help you take the next best step to being intentional with your time! Click here to join. Your first month is free when you order the Best Today® Guide, Starter Bundle or Online Program Bundle.
Q: Do most people use the Best Today® Guide for work or life or both?
A: The majority of our customers use the Best Today® Guide for everything that matters in their life. That could look like home, work, volunteer work, and everything in between. The Best Today® Guide was created to help you live out your values, what matters to you and teach you to get clear on what those are. The Best Today® Guide allows you to live without the threat of a mile long to-do list looming over your every second.
It helps to center your humanity.
You are a human, not a machine. All of our resources treat you like the valuable and worthy person that you are and help you to break free of finding your happiness, satisfaction and worth in how much you can do in any given day.
Me personally, I use the BTG for everything. You will find dates with friends, work/business and my life/family in the Best Today® Guide because it makes keeping everything in one place so easy.
You can use the BTG however works best for you, but know that it is made to allow you to put you in the center. So if it matters to you and is a part of your day/week, include it! And if you want more help make sure to watch our YouTube videos and ask a question anytime in the Community!
What else would you like to know? We are always one text away-- 404-737-1002.
If you're ready to get started with our resources, take the product quiz and let's get started!